From Cash-Only to Streamlined Success: Squirrel’s Tavern’s Journey with Tonic POS

Jul 28, 2023 | Client Testimonials

From Cash-Only to Streamlined Success: Squirrel’s Tavern’s Journey with Tonic POS

In this inspiring Tonic Testimonial, Brady Chambers, the bar manager of Squirrel’s Tavern, shares his experience transitioning from a cash-only operation to a streamlined, data-driven business with the help of Tonic POS.

Before Tonic, Squirrel’s Tavern faced challenges with miscommunication, inefficient order management, and a lack of visibility into sales data. But with Tonic POS, they were able to overcome these hurdles and achieve remarkable results.

Brady highlights how Tonic’s user-friendly interface and customizable features made it easy for his team to adapt to the new system. He also emphasizes the importance of Tonic’s 24/7 human support, providing peace of mind and ensuring any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Key Takeaways:

  • How Tonic POS improved communication and efficiency between front-of-house and back-of-house teams.
  • The value of real-time sales data and reporting for making informed business decisions.
  • The importance of 24/7 human support for a seamless POS experience.
  • How Tonic POS can transform even cash-only businesses into thriving, data-driven operations.

Ready to see how Tonic POS can transform your restaurant?