Release Notes

Bookmark this page to stay up-to-date with the latest Tonic features and user guides for your Tonic system. For each new version released, we will accompany it with Release Notes and user friendly Quick Reference Guides (QRGs). Release Notes will give you a quick and simple breakdown of new and improved features while the QRGs will provide more context to a feature that may have multiple working parts.

We value your feedback and want to make learning about your system as easy and simple as possible. If you have any questions, comments, concerns regarding any of the Release Notes or QRGs provided, please use our Feedback Form to let us know how we can improve.

Tonic Version Number 3.93

Release 6/25/2024

  • Resolved errors resulting from Modifier Tax Exemption
Tonic Version Number 3.92

Release 6/24/2024

  • Added ability to hide zero priced menu items on customer receipts. Click here to learn the setup process in the back of the house.
  • Added ability to hide quantity on kitchen checks. Click here to learn the setup process in the back of the house.
  • Upgraded Line Order Comments to allow for multiple comments on kitchen tickets.
  • Resolved errors with Open Item not displaying on KVD
  • Resolved errors with Customer Accounts not displaying for Delivery
  • Resolved errors with Open Item not prompting.
Tonic Version Number 3.91

Release 6/11/24

  • Added Capabilities for Dual Pricing’s Future Release
  • Improvements to magstripe functionality for 3rd Party Gift Card integrations
  • Resolved errors in Attendance History reporting
  • Resolved errors with Taxes when using Auto-Gratuity
  • Upgrade to POSLink Java Android V1.15.00 20240425
Tonic Version Number 3.89

Release 4/29/24

  • Added OpenTable Integration
  • Added Factor4 Integration
  • Resolved Batching issues related to Dejavoo Terminals
  • Resolved Tipping issues related to Dejavoo Terminals
7Shifts Integration With Live Data Support

Tonic POS now supports 7Shifts integration with live data support.



Restaurant Employee Scheduling Software. Make scheduling, timesheets, team communication, task and tip management, and labor compliance easy.


Tonic POS Setup Guide

Tonic Version Number 3.88

Release: 3/5/2024

  • Improvements to Room Charge Split Payments
  • Cash Discount ‘NCA’ receipt changes to match card brand compliance. (Removed NCA field from receipt, cleaned up formatting)
  • Force clock in after swipe fix. (Resolved issue for not able to force clock in when using employee mag card)
Tonic Version Number 3.85

Release: 1/24/2024

  • Added port configuration for Datacap DCDirect EMV terminals
  • Added additional printing settings for prompting users post-authorization
  • Added option allowing “qty” to not be sticky on FOH
  • Removed QR codes appearing on the payment screen when QR codes are not being used
  • Upgraded to POSLink iOS/MacOS V1.13.01 20231108
  • Upgraded to POSLink Java Android V1.14.00 20231101
  • DejaVoo Tip/Gratuity enhancements
Tonic Version Number 3.84

Release: 10/15/2023

To eliminate confusion when displaying the quantity and weight of item, Tonic has made the following changes to how the kitchen and guests checks are displayed

  • Removed QTY on Kitchen Tickets for Weighed Items
  • Removed QTY on KDS for Weighed Items
  • Removed QTY on Receipts for Weighted Items
Tonic Version Number 3.83

Release: 10/1/2023

  • Changed seat/course selected color.
  • Support number change for dealers.
  • Moved Default Percentage rule line item to the total section of order receipt.
  • Fixed removal of modifier when “Modifier Voids” is turned on. Keyboard not popping up prevented removal.
  • Fixed timer cutting of in certain case on KVD order status bar.
  • PAX POSLink Update on iOS to V1.12.00.
  • Fixed iOS memory leak.
  • Fixed staff card icons not showing on initially selected row.
  • Fixed PAX tax and total cutting off on Elys 3700 when using line items.
  • Fixed menu Default Percentage rule not applying to split orders.